Differences in Implied Volatility values across websites

We get asked from time to time about Implied Volatility (IV) values. One common question is: Why does the Upstox IV differ from the NSE (or from other brokers)?

To answer that, let’s take a step back. IV is the ‘implied volatility’ of an option contract. Implied means that it isn’t directly observed and isn’t actual market data. To model the price of an option, you use an option pricing model like the Black-Scholes Model (BSM). The inputs for this model are:
• Current underlying price
• Strike Price
• Time until expiry
• Volatility
• Interest Rate

The output of the model is the estimated option price. If you are a volatility trader, you can make assumptions on what the volatility of the security should be. Maybe you use the standard deviation of the stock’s price moves, a weighted average of that, or something more sophisticated. For volatility traders, your volatility model is your “edge”. If the option’s price from the BSM and your volatility model show that it is significantly higher than the market price, then you potentially have a buying opportunity.

The BSM can also be used to back-into the volatility estimate. There is already a price in the market for the option so instead of using the BSM’s output, you can assume that the BSM’s option price = the current market price for the option. Since the underlying price, interest rate, time, and strike price are known, the only unknown is volatility. This “backed into” value for volatility is IV.

Now, there are some subtle differences in assumptions for the BSM that can be used. For example, here is how Upstox’s assumptions vary from the NSE.

• Option Price: We use the same assumption as the exchange (LTP). However, you could also use the midpoint between the bid and ask price.
• Interest rate: We use the same assumption as the exchange (10%). This is a common assumption. Of course, you can use a different rate.
• Time until expiry: We use different assumptions than the exchange. They use whole days until expiry; we use granular time (ex: 6 days vs. 5.5 days until expiry) making us more technically accurate.
• Underlying Price: We use different assumptions than the exchange. They use the spot price of the underlying and we use the futures price.

Hopefully this makes implied volatility calculations a little easier to understand.


@mike thank you for sharing valuable stuff and my mind diverted to ask one question i.e “is there is any option in which payoff calculated through future price instead of spot price” or this only restricted for Implied volatility calculation?

If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about the payoff on expiry. Using the futures price in the BS model is arguably the more correct way to think about it because the underlying is the futures contract and not a ‘spot price’. The difference between the two, of course, is the cost of carry.

On options expiry, when you calculate the payoff, there is no longer a carry. So, the spot price is used (ex: call payoff = max(0, spot price - strike)).

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I think for IV calculation, if your taking the underlying price as spot, then yes interest rate has to be considered. But if you are taking Futures as the underlying, then there is no need to consider interest rate, cause you are replacing the spot with futures price and futures price already has the interest component in it…