Data from api stop after 30 to 40 mins

hello Sir,

after fetching data for about 30 to 40 mins it suddenly stops and start giving error of “data”
then again i generate the auth code ,paste it and then it runs fine for about next 30 to 40 mins

i have simply copy pasted the code as given at example code tab by you

and sometimes even after generating new code it throws the error
the image attached


kindly help
i am not a pro in programming

Hi @Kartikeya_Singh
Could you share your code in this thread so we can review it and help identify any potential issues with your implementation? The screenshot you provided is a bit difficult to interpret in terms of what you’re trying to achieve.

hello @Ketan i guess it was Rate Limit issue since i used 1sec interval which seems to exceed 30min limit of 1000 request , seems it worked fine for T=2 sec,
i would update you if problem persist at time T=2 sec on monday after market open if problem still persisit
