Authorization code expires within 5 minutes

I have written a code in python to get option chain data through API, this code requires authorization code (manually i generate and update) which eventually create access token and gets the option chain data. I have put this in loop to run the code every 5 minutes automatically. however my authorization code gets expire after 3-4 minutes and my code break please help to resolve.

@Ajay_Rahangdale The authorization code is short-lived and can only be used once. However, you donā€™t need to generate an access token every time. Once generated, the access token remains valid until 3:30 AM the next day, allowing you to use it throughout the day without needing to regenerate it.

Thanks Pradeep for your response, I did try that.
First I have got the access token with separate code (by using authorization code), then the same access code i have used in my main code. it still throw the same error -

Also, when i generate the access token with the help of authorization code it comes different everytime, is it expected?

Yes, the access token will be unique each time itā€™s generated. Could you please share your UCC so we can look into the 401 issue?

Hi Pradeep

Issue resolved and now access token is not expiring, in first attempt i had not got the correct access token. Thanks for your help.

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