Platform updates!

Hello folks! :wave:

We’re starting to revamp our TradingView Platform ( platform! :rocket:

This will not be done all at once, but subtle informed updates & upgrades so that you’re current experience with day-to-day trading is not heavily affected.

This is also our start to share release notes with upgrades so that you can not only be aware of the new changes, but also help in discovering & using new features/upgrades.

A quick recap on what has been updated over the last couple of months:

:fast_forward: Quickly access the Option chain from the top toolbar!

Quick Option Chain button

:fast_forward: Optimized Option Chain!

With newly added data points, get access to information directly and take better informed decisions.

  • Optimized column & row sizing for ease
  • Added PCR
  • Added Max Pain
  • Auto-positioning of strikes based on ATM
  • Added Lot size & Days to Expiry details

Option Chain Optimised

:fast_forward: View Positions & MTM P&L directly + Exit All button!

:moneybag: Checking overall P&L is always helpful, but access to it required to open the dashboard at the bottom. Now, we’ve bought this useful information upfront that will not require an additional step and compromise on chart space!

:moneybag: During volatile market hours, spikes or even squaring-off intraday orders, all positions had to closed one by one. To make this easier and reduce the time taken, we’ve enabled an “Exit All” button to quickly take action on things.

Note on Exit All: This will exit all your open positions by placing opposite orders (e.g., Sell → Buy) at market price, excluding Equity Delivery and MTF orders.

MTM P&L and Exit All

:fast_forward: Price Alerts on TV! :bell:

Every now and then, we miss out on opportunities that we foresaw coming. It might be when we were away, analyzing other scrips, managing positions from a tough standpoint and more. But we never want to skip an opening we saw it coming. We’ve solved for you to never miss on one.
:dart: Now set alerts on your scrips and never miss an opportunity!

Price Alerts on TV

That’s is all for today!

All feedbacks are appreciated & let us know what we can improve upon to equip you with the best!

Cheers! :beers:


Great changes Mohit, appreciate your continued efforts to improvise trading experience of us, Upstox users. May we request below two features

  1. Scalp feature button with higher qty (e.g. 5K-8K) on Market orders for options on tv platform
  2. Immediately placing StopLoss button for all existing QTY with single click so you are protected quickly …

In short, enabling users with a single click, to enter high QTY trades and manage them (SL & edit SL to we trail them). Closing you already covered it with newly introduced “Exit All” . Basically this completes whole cycle of a trade peacefully

Cheers, Vasu